Martijn Meima
A business coach and trainer with a mission
It is my personal mission to make the world a more beautiful place. I believe in a world where we live and work together in a loving way. Not as some kind of idyllic picture where everyone is happy and cheerful. No, a world where we do business in such a way that everyone benefits: the people, the planet, and the company.
For me, businesses are tools to help people achieve great things, not the other way around. A world where we do business from the heart, and not just want more and more at the expense of the world and others.
I like to apply intuitive methods to businesses. Business constellations, visualizations, energywork, embodiment. They are all great modalities that can boost businesses.

Be the Change You Want to See in the World
For me, business intuition also means that as an entrepreneur, manager, or employee, you must be willing to look at yourself, transform your old pains, experiences, and patterns, and no longer project them onto others. I have done a lot of work in this area and am still ongoing. Every time I feel angry at someone or sad, I examine what is being triggered within me and if I can change anything about it. I have also often encountered myself as an entrepreneur.
Fear of scarcity, trying too hard to achieve something, or desperately wanting to maintain something that no longer works. By examining my own role everytime this happened, I have learned a great deal. Ultimately, I have also learned a lot about my role as a coach about what works and what doesn’t. I have come to trust my pure intuition much more. Additionally, I have learned that I am not responsible for the steps that someone else takes.
Why Are You not Using the Full Potential of Yourself and Your Businesses?
During my consultancy work I found out that there were other forces that determine if a company is successful or not than I had learnt at school. At the same time I followed a lot of courses about intuition, energy and non duality. I found out that there are underlying forces working in the world and also in companies that influence life much more than we think.
That’s why I decided to find intuitive methods that would give companies access to this deeper layer of information. In the past 15 years I have found some very powerful methods that can help you improve your business for the long term and from the core.
The methods include business (and family) constellations, visualisations, release techniques and energy work.
Supporting Changepreneurs
I wish to support mission-driven entrepreneurs in being successful in their own way. I believe you can make an impact in this world authentically while also making good money.
Marketing and customer acquisition can be done in many ways, not just in the way many gurus on the internet write about. Doing business is about so much more than just making money, though it’s also important.
That’s why I have my own vision of entrepreneurship and business. You can learn more about it in my blogs and vlogs, as well as in my book The Effortless Entrepreneur.
I also like to teach others how to use business constellations, the intuitive approach and other modalities in their work.
Will you join this movement?
Business Intuition to Accelerate Consciousness
That’s why I coach and train as many changemakers as possible within Business Intuition, helping them successfully contribute to a better world while earning a living from it.
I can help you find a way of doing business that suits you, a way of attracting clients that brings you joy. You have your own wisdom, and in my coaching or training sessions, you will tap into that wisdom to take the steps needed.
Is it always easy? No, but ultimately, it leads to an effortless way of doing business—and even living. This way, you can do what you are ultimately here for!
Thus, a ripple effect is created, a consciousness acceleration that allows more and more people to be reached.

Martijn helped me to develop more focus and take steps in a way and at a pace that suits me. He encourages “out of the box” thinking. The intuitive techniques he used were insightful and motivating for me.
Edith Moorman, Capriolo, Netherlands

Martijn helped me to develop more focus and take steps in a way and at a pace that suits me. He encourages “out of the box” thinking. The intuitive techniques he used were insightful and motivating for me.
Edith Moorman, Capriolo, Netherlands

Business Knowledge as a Foundation
I have a master in Management & Organization from the University of Groningen. I have always been interested in doing business, creating new things, finding ways to make money, and at the same time helping others. This foundation in business is reflected in everything I do.
My 10 years of experience as a business consultant is showing in my services. Even my 3 years of experience at IBM has influenced my work.
Intuition as a Red Thread
I combine this solid foundation in management and oragnization with the application of pure intuition and intuitive methods. My approach centers on working with the undercurrent, leveraging intuition, and taking a systemic perspective on entrepreneurship. I believe this enables you to step into a flow that helps you achieve success effortlessly.
For me, success is about more than just earning a lot of money. It’s also about fulfillment, nurturing meaningful relationships, and experiencing inner peace.
Ultimately, your intuition always leads to win-win-win outcomes.
Are You In?
Do you want to contribute to a better world? Do you want to do business in your own way? Are you ready to harness your intuition in your business?
Get in touch with me! Together, we’ll explore how I can support you.

By connecting to and harnessing my intuition, I could get insight into my systems, relationships, feelings and most importantly connection to fantastic people helping me on my journey. It opened up a wide spectrum in the world of systemic approach and systemic constellations. I truly enjoyed the playful note of the 5 days, yet it delivered great content, further information to look after and learn in the upcoming months and years. Exciting, varied means and methods. Brilliant week

Kata Stanskó, Hungary

During a conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, Martijn’s skill in introducing and contextualizing business constellations as business intuition quickly put everyone not only at ease, but also in a highly curious state. His skillful facilitation of constellations led to some of the most profound and moving moments in our days together. People kept talking about the depth of the insights they got not only about themselves but also about the systems in which they work. Martijn’s good humor and warm caring presence made it an absolute pleasure to work with him.

Ken Homer, USA

I find Martijn a genuine, highly intelligent and trustworthy professional and human being that I can always learn from and rely on. I would recommend you working with Martijn Meima in any capacity you can. He opens doors you did not know existed and supports your journey to becoming a better human being that makes better choices for self and others by making intuition part of your toolbox.
Due to Martijn’s work, the conference became integral and interconnected, deeper as an experience, and more profound as an impact. Today, I cannot imagine this Conference without his contribution.

Natalia Blagoeva, Switzerland