Business Constellation Masterclasses
Becoming a better business constellations facilitator
Are you a business constellation facilitator who
- would like to learn more about the different aspects of facilitating?
- would like to explore related areas of expertise?
- is ready to develop yourself as an instrument?
- wants to broaden your skill set?
- wants to learn from masters with over 10 years of experience?
Then these business constellation masterclasses are made for you!
Together with 4 other experienced trainers, I have given 9 online masterclasses. We have decided to make the recordings available for you and other coaches, trainers, and facilitators of (business) constellations. This way you can still benefit from the knowledge, and experience that we have shared.
Some masterclasses are only suitable for facilitators who have had some training in facilitating business or family constellations. Others are open to everyone. You can see the prerequisite in the description of the masterclass. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

trainer: martijn meima
The First Essential Steps
The first phase of a constellation process is very important. This is where you create the safe space to let the constellation unfold. By selecting the elements you also decide what fields to open and what not. It gives a direction to the constellation. These steps also determine the willingness of your client(s) to surrender to the process.
In this masterclass, you will learn how to improve these first steps. The masterclass focuses on the interview with the client and choosing the right question and elements to work with. It will also shine a light on the preparation and getting people in ‘the mood’ for a constellation.
You will learn what options you have and how to choose which one to follow. You will get some practical background information from my own experience.
After this masterclass:
- You know how to get your clients ready for a constellation
- You will work with the most relevant question
- You will choose the appropriate elements
This is included:
- Recording (1 hour 26 mins)
- 3 inspirational videos about supporting others
- 3 warm-up exercises
- 1 document and 1 video about pure intuition
- 1 document about 3 places from which you can facilitate
- 1 constellation format to prepare a constellation with your client(s)
- 1 meditation to connect to your intuition
trainer: martijn meima
Finding The Empty Center
The empty center is the silent place inside of you from which you can be there for others without bringing in too much of your own systemic ‘mess’. It is a place from which you can tap into your pure intuition and find the interventions that really make a difference. In this masterclass, Martijn will help you find and enlarge this empty center.
The masterclass will help you to look at yourself, explore your patterns and let go of some patterns. We will work with constellations and also with release techniques and meditation. This way you will be able to create a state of being in which you can allow everything to be. You will practice facilitating using this empty center.
After this masterclass:
- You have connected to your empty center
- You have created more silence and stillness inside
- You are more aware of your own patterns
This is included:
- 2 Recordings (about 1 hour and 45 mins each)
- 3 inspirational videos about supporting others
- 1 short video about the inner stance of a systemic coach
- 1 meditation to connect with your intuition
- 1 document “An Introduction to Intuition”
- steps to get to the empty center
trainer: demian burgeik
Boost Your Sensing Skills
Observing is an important skill when guiding others as a coach, trainer, manager or in another role.
In this masterclass you will enrich the way you sense and observe. You will sharpen your five senses to observe what you normally will miss. Demian will also explain and let you experience how to sense beyond matter, sense the field, the energy. You will then use this information to create interventions that are spot on.
After this masterclass:
- You know more about narrative constellations
- You have learned to use the narrative scheme
- You have learned more about archetypes
This is included:
- 1 Recording (1 hour and 46 mins)
trainer: daisy da veiga
There is no such thing as coincidence, everything is connected to one another. This awareness brings such wisdom, ease and trust in guiding others.
Learning to understand and work with the power of synchronicity allows you to coach or guide your team or clients more profoundly. It also helps you with decision making for your personal and professional leadership. Its called Magic Leadership and it brings a joyful perspective to ‘the random stuff’ that happens.
After this masterclass:
- What is synchronicity and how it serves you
- How to recognize synchronicity
- What is needed to use the Synchronicity SIgns when guiding yourself or others
- What it means when there is ‘no synchronicity’
This is included:
- 1 Recording (1 hour and 44 mins)
trainer: martijn meima
Using Healing Sentences
One of the interventions in a constellation is the use of so called healing sentences. These are short powerful statements that release tension and create movement. Healing sentences can also be used to find out the dynamics that are shown in the constellation.
In this masterclass you will learn how to find the right words, learn how to create these statements and when to use them. Martijn will give you some standard healing sentences that you can use in specific situations and you will practice with creating sentences on the spot in a constellation.
After this masterclass:
- You have experienced when to use healing sentences
- You know some of the basic healing sentences
- You can create your own healing sentences
This is included:
- 2 Recordings (about 1 hour and 40 mins each)
- 1 Document “Theory of Healing Sentences”
- 1 Constellation format to say goodbye in a good way with the healing sentences that you can use
trainer: Frédérique te Dorsthorst – de Muij
Narrative Constellations
In this masterclass you will learn to work with narrative constellations, including using archetypes and metaphors in constellations. The narrative constellation will help your client to explore a difficult situation from a different perspective. By using the different aspects of a story in the constellation, a clear image arises of what option you have and where you can find the resources to proceed.
You will learn the narrative constellation format that you can use right away. You will also get some insights into the background of archetypes. If you want to dive deeper into archetypes, you can access the masterclass Working With Archetypes (see below).
After this masterclass:
- You have learned the differences between the two
- You are more familiar with the context and energy of businesses
- You have practiced facilitating business contellations
This is included:
- 1 Recording (1 hour and 44 mins)
trainer: Frédérique te Dorsthorst – de Muij
Working with archetypes
Archetypes connect us to a deep layer of knowing within ourselves and our companies. In this masterclass you will discover how to use the archetypal work in an organizational context.
Using these images of primeval characters opens up a transformational space for your clients and allows old and hidden patterns to be revealed and transformed. In the archetypal work we address (business) life as a story or a journey in which you, your team or organization are the hero. Every story has different layers and a basic universal structure. Working with these, helps us to unravel the complexity in (business) life.
In this workshop you will discover the layers in your own (business) story and how to apply it in guiding others. We will use narrative constellations and the narrative diagram.
After this masterclass:
- You know more about archetypes
- You will meet your inner board room
- You have learned to use the narrative diagram
- You have experienced the power of archetypes
This is included:
- 1 Recording (1 hour and 32 mins)
- 1 List of archetypes that you can use
- 1 Article about the inner boardroom
trainer: Elvira van Rijn
Mayan wisdom & the healing power of the ancestors
For ancient and contemporary Maya alike, ancestors are ever-present and fundamental to the sense of identity, heritage, power and place. The spiritual path of the Maya is aimed at a sustainable future, from a connection with the past. The Maya are very aware of their place in the generations. They honor their ancestors, find strength and feel supported by their ancestors and are equally aware of the impact their actions have on future generations. The ancestors have a lot of healing power. They recognise your issues, are there for you and wish the best for you.
In this masterclass you learn how to activate the healing power of the ancestors in two different ways. First you experience a guided meditation/constellation to let the healing energy in the family line flow. This empowers you to take your own place.
Second you experience the Mayan tree of life as ground plan for constellations. The tree of life connects us with specific qualities that we have recieved from the ancestors to heal ourselves and pass their wisdom on to next generations.
After this masterclass:
- You have activated the healing power of your ancestors
- You know the building blocks of the Mayan tree of life
- You know in which situations you can choose for working with the ancestors
This is included:
- 1 Recording (1 hour and 34 mins)
trainer: martijn meima
Fixed Format Constellations
There are many constellation formats that you can use. In a fixed format constellation you use a fixed set of elements and sometimes you even place them in a fixed way. This fixed format creates a very powerful field that eneables you to focus on your client.
Using fixed format constellations allows even unexperienced facilitators to use the power of constellation in their training and coaching.
In this masterclass we will explore some fixed formats constellations. You will practice and experience their power. You will also get access to a number of formats that you can use right away. The formats are designed for 1-on-1 coaching and for groups and teams.
After this masterclass:
- You know when to use fixed format constellations and when not
- You have learned to use some fixed format constellations
- You will have access to a number of practical fixed format constellations
This is included:
- 1 Recording (2 hour and 45 mins)
- 11 Constellation formats, both for groups and 1:1
Let me know if you have any other questions
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can this be done online?
- Can I use the skills also offline?
- Will I miss something, because it’s a recording?
Yes, you will, because you can’t interact with the others and you are not able to join the breakout rooms and do the assignments. At the same time, we have seen that you can still gain a lot by watching the replay. You can even do the assignments for yourself or ask someone to do them with you.
We have lowered the price so it’s reflecting the value you will get out of it.
- What kind of background do I need?
- How do the discounts work
- How do I know this is the right thing to do for me?
- I am still not sure if I want to buy access to the masterclasses
Please contact me. Together we can explore if this is the right thing for you.
- How does it work with VAT?
If you are from the Netherlands, you pay 21% VAT.
If you have a company in the EU with a valid VAT number, you can enter this number on the checkout page. Then the VAT will be reverse charged to you, meaning that you don’t pay the VAT to me, but will have to pay it to your local tax office. If you are from the EU but don’t have a valid VAT number, you will have to pay the 21% Dutch VAT.
You can see if your VAT number is a valid one by looking at the VAT number entry field. If it turns red, then the VAT number you provided is not valid for the EU.
If you are from outside the EU, you will have to pay the VAT in your country. You will not have to pay VAT to me.
When checking out, the shop will automatically calculate the right VAT. If not, don’t pay, but send me an email and I will check what went wrong.
Access to 9 Masterclasses
32% discount
€ 45,-
Per masterclass
- Access to the recordings of all 9 masterclasses. Each about 1.5 hours long (differs a bit per masterclass)
- Extra online resources if available (see the text for each masterclass)
- Possibility to email me with questions about the masterclass
Access to 5 Masterclasses
18% discount
€ 55,-
Per masterclass
- Access to 5 recordings of the masterclasses of your choice. Each about 1.5 hours long (differs a bit per masterclass)
- Extra online resources if available (see the text for each masterclass)
- Possibility to email me with questions about the masterclass

Access to 3 Masterclasses
More than 10% discount
€ 60,-
Per masterclass
- Access to 3 recordings of the masterclasses of your choice. Each about 1.5 hours long (differs a bit per masterclass)
- Extra online resources if available (see the text for each masterclass)
- Possibility to email me with questions about the masterclass
Access to 1 Masterclasses
€ 67,-
Per masterclass
- Access to the recording of the masterclass of your choice. About 1.5 hours long (differs a bit per masterclass)
- Extra online resources if available (see the text for each masterclass)
- Possibility to email me with questions about the masterclass
How to Get Access to the Masterclasses?
You buy access to the business constellation masterclasses of your choice by putting them in your shopping cart (hover over them and select add to cart). Then pay for them on the secure checkout page using credit card, Paypal, or some local payment methods. The discount for 3, 5 or 9 masterclasses will automatically be calculated.
After we have received your payment, you will get an email with your login credentials and a link where you can access your masterclasses.
Recording Masterclass Working With Archetypes
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Synchronicity
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Sensing Skills
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Mayan Wisdom
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Narrative Constellations
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass First Essential Steps
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Working from the Empty Center
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Fixed Format Constellations
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart -
Recording Masterclass Healing Sentences
€ 67,00 excl. VAT Add to cart