Online Training Facilitating Business Constellations Basics
Learn The Basics Of Facilitating Business Constellations
- wants to learn how to use business constellations one-on-one?
- wants to learn a methodology that reveals the root cause of complex problems?
- is ready for the next step in his or her professional development?
- wants to learn practical forms of constellations he or she can use right away?
Then this online training is made for you.
During this Online Training Business Constellations, you will learn the basics of facilitating simple constellations in a business environment. Besides the basic rules and forces of a business system, you will learn the basic stance and interventions required from you as a facilitator.
Because of the online nature of the training, you will also learn the skills to facilitate constellations online.

I was already a big fan of constellations, and during this training Martijn has taught me new ways of using this amazing coaching modality. I was curious how Martijn was doing constellations online and was surprised to learn the power of working with floor markers. Working with an international group of coaches was really a bonus. It has enriched my coaching practice and outlook.

module 1
Systemic & Constellation Basics
In this module you will learn more about the systemic dynamics in organizations and how to become more aware of them. You will also learn the basics of a constellation. You will practice listening with systemic ears.

module 2
Working With Floor Markers
You will learn how to use floor markers and table top figurines representing the different elements in a constellation. They provide an easy way to start working with constellations 1-on-1. They can also easily be used online.

module 3
Systemic Interventions
This module we will focus on the different intervention options you have and when to use them. It will enable you to facilitate movement in the constellation. You will practice using the interventions in 1-on-1 constellations.

module 4
Inner Stance

module 5
Integrating & Deepening
This last module is about integrating, connecting and deepening your learnings. You will be able to practice some more, ask questions and explore your facilitator role some more. I will offer extra information, constellation formats or for example a meditation depending on your needs.

What Are The Results?
After this training, you will have:
- Learned the basics of the systemic dynamics in organizations
- Learned the basic principles of constellations
- Learned how to set up and facilitate basic constellations with people, floor markers, and table top figurines
- Explored your own background and created more freedom
- Learned when and how to use constellations in a business setting
- Gained answers to your own (business) questions as well as energy to take the necessary steps.
- Practiced facilitating basic constellations online

Over 15 Years Of Constellation Experience, Humor, Depth
Who Is Martijn Meima?
In 2008, I was trained by a student of the Bert Hellinger Institute in the Netherlands. Since then, I have been using business constellations almost on a daily basis and in 2013, I started to train the first group of facilitators.
My style is an intuitive one. I do not work with certain steps and protocols. I rather let the field show the way. This is also the new way Bert Hellinger approached constellations at the end of his life. I am very creative in using constellations. There is not a single format or approach I use all the time. As a trainer I combine energy, humor and lightness with tranquility, depth and authenticity. You will be encouraged to discover your own style. There is no one good way.
Participants like the lightness and humor in the training and at the same time the depth and major transformations that they go through. What I hear from them is that I practice what I preach and allow everything to be. This creates a safe environment to learn and experiment.
Why Should I Join THIS Training?
There are a few aspects in which this training is different from other business constellation trainings:
I believe that the best way to master this craft is by doing it. That is why I have chosen to give live Zoom meetings in which you will start practicing from day one.
Intuitive Approach
Part of the training is exploring your intuition and learning how to use it.
Real Life Cases
You will be able to join from home. No traveling, no hotels, but still connected, interactive and deep.
Global Attendance Service
My wish is for as many people as possible to be able to learn this wonderful craft. Therefore I have developed a Global Attendance Service, meaning that you should be able to join, no matter the GDP of your country or your personal financial situation. Contact me for more information.
Online Library
6 Months Email Support
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can this be done online?
Yes, I have found out that constellation can be done online and have the same results as offline.
- What kind of background do I need?
I expect that you have done some personal development and that you have experienced one or two constellations. There are no other prerequisites.
- Will I Only Learn How To Facilitate Online?
No, you will practice and learn online, but you can also use the techniques and facilitation in live sessions with clients.
- Will we only do business constellations?
This is an interesting question. In my experience business constellations always have a personal component to them. So we will also explore more family related systems. The core of the training is about using constellations within a business.
- Can I learn how to facilitate in just 5 modules of 3 hours?
- Will you stick to the content and order of the 5 modules?
- Can I learn more after this training?
I have also created some advanced modules for facilitors who have done a basic training and want to learn more. You can find these modules here.
- How do I know this is the right training for me?
It is sometimes difficult to decide. Please check out the intuitive method on my website to take a decision. It will surely help.
- Do you have more information about this training?
- Do you have some more information about constellations?
Yes, please check out the special page Business Constellations International.
- Do you have some more information about constellations?
Please contact me. Together we can explore if this is the right training and the right time for you.
Practical Information
Your investment
€ 635,-
Excl. 21% VAT*
- 5 Modules of 3 hours Zoom training, including a recording of each module
- Access online content, including formats, theory, meditation, and more
- Practical constellation formats
- 6 Months email support
- Certificate
- EXTRA: Recording of the workshop “Discover the Power of Business Constellations” for free
- Global Attendance Service
Small group with maximum learning experience
The minimum number of participants for this training is 6. The maximum is 25.
Level 1
This means that you will learn the basics of business constellations. There are no prerequisites. You will be able to facilitate small constellation in a one-on-one setting.
Dates & Times
I have set the following dates for the next group in 2025:
Module 1: March 25
Module 2: April 3 (note: changed on February 12)
Module 3: April 22
Module 4: May 7
Module 5: May 19
Training times are from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM Amsterdam time (CET for the first module and CEST for the others).
Check your local time at World Time Buddy. Make sure that you select the right dates.
NOTE: If you have already followed this training, you can join with a 50% discount. Contact me for the discount code.
Global Attendance Service
My wish is for as many people as possible to be able to have access to my services. Therefore I have developed a Global Attendance Service, meaning that you should be able to join, no matter the GDP of your country or your personal financial situation. It also means that the times of the training will be adjusted to your timezone as much as possible. Contact me for more information.