The Effortless Entrepreneur (printed book)

The Effortless Entrepreneur (printed book)

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Sometimes success comes naturally and sometimes it is hard to find. This doesn’t have anything to do with your product, your marketing strategy, or your business plan. It is all caused by the undercurrent in your company. Although this undercurrent is not visible, it determines the possibilities available to you in the surface current. Wishy washy?  Not in Martijn Meima’s book. In 6 clear themes, he tells you what is happening in the undercurrent and how you can leverage it to create the success that you envision for your company. His years of experience as an entrepreneur, coach, and trainer show in the examples, tips, and practical exercises. This approach will make it easy for you to apply your growing awareness of the undercurrent in your business.

Martijn Meima’s book is inspiring, easy to read, and a practical handbook for every entrepreneur who wants to go beyond the traditional management theories and growth programs.
Marnix Geus, social entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is about more than rational thinking and acting. This book is highly recommended for those who want to explore this ‘more’. Because of his focus on the undercurrent, this book is not traditional management literature. You won’t find to-do lists or inspiring success stories for you to copy. Martijn invites you to journey  inside instead.”
Sylvie van der Haar, coach/trainer

Martijn Meima (1970) has a major in Management & Organization from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Has has studied many fields like NLP, Buddhism, non-duality, energy work, voice dialogue, visualizations, Sedona method, leadership embodiment, professional intuition training and the narrative approach. His greatest passion is facilitating (business) constellations. Martijn combines all this experience and knowledge in his company Business Intuition. He coaches and trains entrepreneurs in intuition, entrepreneurship, and personal development.