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Use your intuition to decide

Our rational mind has difficulties deciding when the situation is complex and there are many factors and emotions involved. This exercice helps you to use your intuition to decide

You need pieces of paper and a space to put them on the floor. You might want to take notes during the exercice.

  1. Write each of the choices you have on a piece of paper. For example:
    1. Applying for the training business constellations with Martijn
    2. Applying for a trainnig business constellations elsewhere
    3. Not applying for a training business constellations
    4. And maybe another training you are interested in
    5. I advise to always add a piece of paper with a question mark, because you don’t know all the options
  2. Fold the pieces and mix them. Make sure you don’t know which paper represents which option
  3. Put the pieces of paper in the room intuitively. Take a piece of paper and walk through the room, sensing where it belongs and put it down.
    If this is difficult for you, don’t worry, just put them in a row with enough space between them so that you can stand on the pieces.
  4. Position yourself in the room and observe the different options (pieces of paper).
    What do you observe? Inside yourself; related to the different options.
  5. Walk towards the first piece of paper/option. Take it slowly and observe what happens.
  6. Then step on the piece of paper and notice what happens. How do you feel? What does your body tell you? Are there thoughts coming up.
    Use all your intuitive channels: see, smell, taste, hear, know and feel.
    Just observe. You don’t have to understand, yet.
  7. Walk back to the starting position. Take some time to let the experience pass away.
  8. Choose the next piece of paper and do the same.
    And the next and the next, until you have observed all the options.
  9. If you like, you can step on a piece of paper for the second time to get more information.
    You might want to move the pieces of papers. Go ahead and do it.
    Just explore what is happening.
  10. When you feel that you have explored enought, you can unfold the pieces and read which piece of paper represents which option
    Sometimes you get real clear information on what option is the best. Other times, the intuitive information give an extra dimension to the option and help you to make a decision. Sometimes it becomes totally unclear. Just let it be. It might help to give it some time.
    It the question mark is the one you chose, it might mean that you don’t have all the options available yet.

I really would like to know your experience with this exercice. Let me know in a comment or contact me directly.

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